Live Library
Our immersive learning and development
philosophy ensures that your team understands
their roles and exhibits the competitive skills,
knowledge, and behaviors to successfully align with your corporate strategy.
Learning Solutions has collaborated with global clients to develop learning resources with the goal of measurably impacting employee performance and effectiveness.
Our expansive live training capabilities include the development, delivery, and facilitation of:
Assessments, accreditations, and certifications
Simulations and games
Workshops, presentations, and seminars
Coaching initiatives
Leadership and selling skills curriculum design/development roadmaps and certifications
New hire training/onboarding
Business acumen and health care economics
Communications strategies
In addition to custom live training, we offer the following off-the-shelf workshops:
Leadership Effectiveness (LX)
Collaboration/Working in a Matrix
Participants will learn about the complexities of working in a matrix setting, how to identify the often-competing perspectives of various cross-functional partners and stakeholders, and how to work more effectively with them.
Strategic Critical Thinking: Manager Mind Simulation
Participants will be given the unique opportunity to make strategic decisions associated with running a district, learn from their actions, and ultimately move along the path toward becoming a better business manager.
Recruiting and Hiring
Managers will participate in a simulated activity, working to identify desired qualities for new hires during interviews and recruit and hire the best people with the potential to succeed.
Strategic Business Planning
Learners will be introduced to a strategic thinking process to diagnose performance, identify business drivers, and develop action plans related to areas of opportunity and risk in their respective geographies; they will apply these theories in a simulated scenario-based application activity.
inCoach (Coaching Framework)
Learners will identify “what it takes” to be an effective coach to their respective teams and learn a standard framework for delivering effective verbal and written feedback relating to observed team behaviors and identified coaching opportunities.
Performance Management Techniques and Tools
Managers will align on a consistent definition of “what good looks like” for a representative, then, using the inCoach coaching framework, will learn how to diagnose and manage representative development issues and opportunities via scenario-based interactive role-play activities.
Motivating Teams/Leading Team Engagement
Managers will learn how to identify motivational “trigger points” for individuals under their charge and leverage them in a manner that inspires and mobilizes their team to exhibit desired behaviors.
High Potential Candidate Decision-Making Simulation
High Potential Candidates take part in a high energy gaming simulation where maintaining strategic and situational awareness in a dynamic healthcare marketplace challenges them to make leadership decisions, which can impact and drive outcomes given the information and situation at hand.
Field Force (AMs/Reps) Effectiveness (FX)
Competitive Selling: Aligning Perspectives Customer Engagement Framework
Participants are afforded the opportunity to challenge their understanding of customer motivations while applying an intuitive approach to the account planning process. The framework incorporates key concepts, tactics, and insights from David Morey’s award‐winning book, The Underdog Advantage: How to Use Insurgent Strategy to Put Your Business on Top (McGraw‐Hill). This collaboration has yielded a framework for taking customer interactions to the strategic level—putting customer perceptions at the center of the engagement process.
Participants will learn key tactics for effective probing and questioning during customer interactions and will practice these skills in a variety of activities.
Responding to Customer Objections
Participants will discuss the most common customer objections and learn how to see every objection as an opportunity. Through interactive exercises, participants will practice effectively responding to objections to move customers further along in the adoption process.
Closing to Gain Commitment
Participants will learn how to end each customer interaction with an appropriate, actionable commitment—both for themselves and the customer. Principles of effective closing will be discussed, and learners will practice skills during a variety of interactive exercises.
Strategic Business Planning
Learners will be introduced to a strategic thinking process to diagnose performance using available tools, resources, and information sources; identify business drivers; and develop action plans related to areas of opportunity and risk in their respective geographies. The output of this workshop is the beginning of a strategic business planning document that can be further refined when the participant returns to the field.
Meet the Competition
Learners will examine why a customer might consider using a competitive product, and then position their product to address this competitive mindset during customer interactions.
Selling Simulations and Assessments
Learning Solutions provides a fair assessment experience using realistic customer scenarios in a manner that will have a lasting effect on your organization.
Medical Affairs Effectiveness (MAX)
Collaboration/Working in a Matrix
Participants will learn about the complexities of working in a matrix setting, how to identify the often-competing perspectives of various cross-functional partners and stakeholders, and how to work more effectively with them.
Writing Skills
Participants will explore the benefits of well-written communications and learn how to incorporate key elements into their written documents in order to generate greater reader engagement and impact.
KOL Engagement
Participants will identify strategies to effectively understand the mindset of the KOL and tailor their approach in order to maximize their impact during regular interactions.
Compliance (for MSLs)
MSLs will learn how to work effectively and within acceptable standards of behavior alongside their representative colleagues.
Marketing Effectiveness (MX)
Collaboration/Working in a Matrix
Participants will learn about the complexities of working in a matrix setting, how to identify the often-competing perspectives of various cross-functional partners and stakeholders, and how to work more effectively with them.
Vendor Management
During this interactive training workshop, participants will experience the vendor relationship from both the customer and vendor perspectives. Participants explore, via a facilitated conversation, how the outcomes of their vendor experience could be improved and then apply those solutions to vendor management scenarios they will likely experience.
Trainer Effectiveness (TX)
Collaboration/Working in a Matrix
Participants will learn about the complexities of working in a matrix setting, how to identify the often-competing perspectives of various cross-functional partners and stakeholders, and how to work more effectively with them.
Training Impact and Prioritization
Training professionals will learn how to understand the impact of their activities and how to prioritize their actions in order to position their training department as a strategic partner within the organization.
Decision-Making Simulation
Participants will go through a scenario-based application exercise to understand the implications of their decisions when navigating their internal cross-functional environments. Recognizing the potential impact of their decisions will help them become more strategic and effective during their day-to-day activities.